Photographing a Family Vacation
As Sony Artisans, we were commissioned by Sony to test their latest prosumer cameras. We pitched Legacy, a piece about taking our boys to Marvi's country of birth and introducing them to a culture they've only known through stories. The boys made memories for life as they swam with very large, gentle whale sharks and met Marvi's extended family and childhood friends.
Client: Sony
Concept: Marvi Lacar
Directors: Lowy + Lacar
Cinematography: Benjamin Lowy & Marvi Lacar ***
Music: Triple Scoop Music ***
Editor: Nadav Kurtz | Cutters Studio
Writers: Marvi Lacar, Abby Sher
Check out our essential gear below. Here’s a more extensive list of what’s in our bag.
How to Enjoy and Photograph a Family Vacation
The boys swam with whalesharks in Oslob and the sea turtles of Apo Island. They spent most of their summer in Dumaguete, their mom's old stomping ground.